My interests are a bit ridiculous. The problem being I am one of those “Jack of all trades, master of none” type people. To name a few, there are my interests in board gaming, mycology, technology, craft beer and of course music. Of all my interests board games and mycology have been the two most involved with, and still are to this day.
Board games are my favorite leisure time activity and have been since I was a child. As I have grown and matured the games too have followed suite. From my childhood there were games like Don’t Break the Ice and Trouble. In my teens it was Monopoly, Scrabble, and Trivial Pursuit leading in to Magic the Gathering. Now in adulthood, my friends and I are all about the Eurogames. Eurogames have more complicated game mechanics and rules and tend to rely less on luck and more on strategy.
Mycology has also been something that has always been of interest to me. A few years ago I had joined the Puget Sound Mycological Society to expand my knowledge. This was a great experience, and is something I highly recommend anyone in the Seattle area to engage in if they have any interest in learning more about fungi.
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